Dottie Gandy
Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur
If you’re stuck and up until now thought it’s too late or circumstances are such that I can not pursue my dreams, Dottie will inspire you to think differently. In January 2014, she made the decision to “rewire” instead of “retire” and is having the time of her life encouraging others to do the same!
A native Texan, after graduating from Baylor University she spent most of her adult life in Washington DC. She has enjoyed multiple careers as a Corporate Executive, Business Owner, Consultant, Author and Speaker. Dottie is an avid supporter of women in business and is the co-founders of NAWBO (National Association Women Business Owners). She served as the Regional Director for the Franklin Covey Company in Dallas and traveled the world as a consultant for Covey.
Her proudest moment: Being in the crowd in Washington, DC when MLK made is “I Have A Dream speech”. Now she’s helping people accomplish their Dreams!
Saying “Yes to saying “No”
Choices that make Good Women Great Leaders
Refire not Retire your Dreams
Up Until Now
“Dottie is an amazing professional and her commitment to women business owners is more than evident in her ‘can do’ attitude and approach to mentor-ship.”
Darla J. Beggs“Dottie has a deep passion for whatever she teaches and has the unusual ability to instill this passion with her audiences. She maintains a high level of energy and interaction with her groups and can quickly create a relationship with diverse groups from CEOs to off-shore rig operators.”
Dr. Stephen R. Covey“Dottie Gandy is an amazingly energetic and dynamic speaker who entertains and captivates her audience and inspires and empowers women to be their very best selves. Her experience, her passion, and her personality is inspiring a movement of women everywhere to each discover their greatness and feel empowered to lead.”
Alison Martin“Dottie is a remarkable speaker—passionate, engaging, inspiring, and insightful—with the ability to connect powerfully with any audience.”
Stephen M. R. Covey“Dottie Gandy is one of the most genuine and insightful speaker I have had the privilege of hearing in recent years. Her style is down to earth, her message is clear and the information she shares is always valuable. Her business and life experiences give her great credibility. She is a gift to the listener.”
Marsha ClarkBOOKS




Kimberly Clark





“When you set fire to your passion, people will come from miles around to watch you burn”.
EdweneTo Book Dottie
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